
The Alfa Laval HyBloc range of printed circuit heat exchangers (PCHE) is engineered for use as precoolers in hydrogen refuelling stations covering all vehicle types. The unique design enables back-to-back refuelling, ensuring minimal waiting times. The ultra compact design saves space and installation cost. Hybloc comes in seven standard models. Four models are suitable for liquid cooling (HyBloc), three models are optimized for vaporizing cooling with carbon dioxide (HyBloc C).

HyBloc heat exchanger

What you get

  • Zero waiting time between refuellings thanks to continuous refrigeration loops
  • High-pressure operation for minimal filling times and optimized performance
  • Ultra-compact design requiring minimal space for installation and lower environmental footprint
  • Integrated cooling inside the refueller eliminating civil works for installation
  • Well-proven technology ensuring safe operations and outstanding lifespan

Watch this video, recorded at a hydrogen refuelling station in Korea to find out how HyBloc can help you take the lead in hydrogen refuelling.

Compact hydrogen refuelling

Thanks to the advanced printed circuit technology, an Alfa Laval HyBloc heat exchanger is 85% smaller than a comparable shell-and-tube heat exchanger.

This highly compact design maximizes flexibility when designing the complete refuelling system and the unit is easily integrated, e.g. in the dispenser casing. Unlike a shell-and-tube heat exchanger, the HyBloc is always installed above ground, eliminating the need for underground installation and significantly reducing civil work and associated costs.

Withstanding pressures of up to 1,250 bar, an Alfa Laval HyBloc enables system designs for operations at 350 bar (H35), 700 bar (H70) or even higher. Its high-pressure capabilities ensure short filling times and make it future-ready in case new standards with higher pressures are developed.

The HyBloc range comprises four models, offering solutions for all capacity needs. Our experts help you select the ideal model according to your cooling fluid, capacity requirements, and other specifications to ensure maximum performance.

Safe hydrogen handling


Hydrogen is highly explosive when mixed with air, meaning rigorous safety measures must be taken when handling the gas. The safety of the Alfa Laval printed circuit heat exchangers has been thoroughly proven over more than 15 years in demanding fuelling applications, including fuel gas supply for large ships and land-based natural gas systems for industrial and domestic use.

The HyBloc design is based on OptiBondTM   diffusion welding of the heat transfer plates. This process merges the grain structures of the plates, forming a single solid block capable of withstanding extremely high pressures. As a result, high pressures are managed equally well on both the cool and warm sides, eliminating the need for pressure relief valves.

Learn more about our state-of-the-art diffusion welding 

A revolutionary approach to hydrogen refuelling

Alfa Laval PCHE with PowerDensePowerDense

Maximum performance under maximum pressure. Improves sustainability with the smallest metal footprint design, still capable of withstanding hydrogen pressures up to 1,250 bar.

Alfa Laval PCHE with ReFuel+OptiBond

A robust and compact solution for high-pressure needs. State-of-the-art diffusion welding technology provides the highest durability and thermal efficiency within an ultra-compact welded plate heat exchanger.

Alfa Laval PCHE with ReFuel+ReFuel+

Higher back-to-back throughput for increased profitability. Low thermal mass in a highly responsive and compact solution enables greater capacity and reduced wait time between customers, extending the number of daily back-to-back refuels.

Energy efficient clean hydrogen solutions

Do you want to know more about how Alfa Laval supports in development in the full hydrogen value chain? Explore our offerings in everything from production to end-use.

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